The 2013 U.S. Senior Open comes to New York

This Spring, the 2013 U.S. Senior Open comes to Tarrytown, New York!
May 28 – June 2, 2013
The U.S. Chess Federation and Chess Educators are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2013 U.S. Senior Open.
Where: Doubletree Tarrytown Hotel; 455 South Broadway; Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA
Tournament Organizer: IO Beatriz Marinello; Chess Educators
Chief TD: IA Carol Jarecki

Open to USCF members born on or before May 27, 1963.
Tournament Format: 6 Rounds, Swiss System. Two 1/2-point byes allowed if requested before end of Rd 2.
Time Control: 40 moves in two hours, plus one hour sudden death (40/2, SD/1)
Rating: USCF Rated & FIDE Rated.
Prizes and Awards: $5,500 GTD! Plaques for the top 10 players overall.
- 1st $1,250
- 2nd 850
- 3rd $600
- 4th 300
- Under 2300 $500 & $300
- Under 2000 $300 & $150
- Under 1800 $300 & 150
- Under 1500/unr $300 & $150
- Top Woman $350
Top finisher born on or before 1/1/53 qualifies for the 2013 FIDE World Senior Championship in Opatija, Croatia. The USCF will provide a $500 stipend and the US Chess Trust will provide a $500 stipend.
6 Day Schedule:
- May 28 – June 1; Rounds 1-5 @ 5 pm
- June 2; Round 6 @ 9am
3 Day Schedule:
Note: (First three rounds not eligible for FIDE rating, since it’s G/60)
- May 31; Rounds 1-3 @ 9am, 11:30am & 2pm.
- Merges on Round 4.
- Awards Banquet on Sunday, June 2nd @ 4pm, $35, open to all.
Entry Fee & Registration:
- $95 if registered or postmarked by April 20th, 2013
- $110 if registered or postmarked by May 10th, 2013
- $130 after May 10th and on-site.
Mailed Entry Forms to: Chess Educators P.O. Box 160, New York, NY 10028.
- DOUBLE TREE TARRYTOWN HOTEL, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591, USA. Located in Westchester county in New York, only 40 minutes away from Grand Central Station in New York City by Metro North Train.
- Chess Rate $129 single/double/triple/quad Free Parking, free internet connection.
- Reservation: Call 914-631-5700 or online at and enter the group code CHS. Chess rate applies to reservations made by April 26th.
Tournament Organizer, Beatriz Marinello at Tel: 917-553-4522 or by email at; Official website is
2013 Blitz US Senior
7 rounds G 5 Sunday, June 2@ 8pm
Two Sections:
- Open
- Under 1600
Fee: $20
Blitz Tournament Registration:
On-site registrations for the Blitz tournament will close at 7:30pm . (70% of total entry fees for Blitz Chess Challenge will be allocated to cash prizes) 50% 1st Place, 30% 2nd Place & 20% 3rd Place.
Related News: Results of 2012 U.S. Senior Open