The U.S. Chess Trust is a Proud Contributor of the 2008 Pan American Continental Championship!

The U.S. Chess Trust is a proud contributor of this event!

This event is shaping up to be a very interesting and exciting event!

GM Ivanov, Alexander & GM Becerra, Julio – both from the USA are just two of the many talented chess players at this event.

The Pan American Continental Championship got off to a good start, but, not without a few mishaps.

The Colombians arrived in the United States and got stuck in an elevator at the Tri Rail station in Boca Raton – prompting the Fire Dept. to rescue them!

Then on Monday Nov. 3rd, the Marriott at Boca Center had a power outage which delayed one of the Rounds leading into late name Games!

The chess players and staff have been great at keeping it together and helping this become a successful and memorable event!

Interest and support has been great! With people blogging from other countries and the U.S.A. on the tournament’s official website to show their support for their favorite players!

You can check out more details and Live Game coverage at www.ChessEducators.comClick Here to View the Live Games Blog

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