2011 U.S. Chess Trust Annual Letter

2011 U.S. Chess Trust Annual Letter
Dear Chess Supporter:
We need your help to continue our many worthwhile programs. Our scholarships and programs are supported by charitable donations and the Trust does not receive any grants nor government funding.
The Trust started in 1967 with $1.00 and over the years we have given out hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable contributions. This has been done through the generosity of our Trustees and more importantly YOU! If it weren’t for you, the U.S. Chess Trust would not exist today and we thank you!!
Make your donation online!

Your donations help the U.S. Chess Trust aid chess in our country. We were both proud to be in St. Louis on September 8, 2011, when the World Chess Hall of Fame and Sidney Samole Museum was revitalized in a building all its own with three floors of exhibits about chess, thanks to Rex and Jeanne Sinquefield.

That night Harold inducted GMs Boris Gulko and Andy Soltis to the U.S. Chess Hall of Fame and Vera Menchik to the World Chess Hall of Fame.
Did you miss the GM Boris Gulko and GM Andy Soltis interviews? You can still read them here:

We were also glad to participate in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Arnold Denker Tournament of High School Champions and the first Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8th Grade Champions in Orlando in August. The Trust is pleased to support the Barber and we have supported the Denker for many years.

The U.S. Chess Trust Co-Sponsors (with UTD) the Second Koltanowski Conference on Chess and Education
This year the Trust aided two important international events in the USA connected to scholastic and junior chess. The Trust is co-sponsor (with the Univ. of Texas at Dallas) of the Second Koltanowski Conference on Chess and Education to be held in Dallas, Texas, at the K-12 Championship Nov. 18-19.
The Trust also supported the North American Youth Championship, a FIDE event held in New York State.

Click Here to Download the 2nd Koltanowski Conference on Chess and Education Program Brochure

The Trust continues its traditional support for American players in the World Youth Championship, the Collegiate Final Four, the World Junior, and the U.S. Blind Championship. The Trust also donates $7500 in scholarships divided among five students, based on academics and chess, with the aid of the National Scholastic Chess Foundation.
We send chess sets to schools nationwide and also to Americans serving in our armed forces overseas.
This year, thanks to Trust President Emeritus Shane Samole, we now have chess clocks to distribute as well. We urge you to include the Chess Trust in your will so your legacy to chess will live on. You can also donate to the Trust in honor of someone who has died. Check our website: www.uschesstrust.org. Our Combined Federal Campaign Number is 10212.
Our trustees represent all parts of the nation and serve without compensation. Your donations are federally tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Contact our Managing Director Barbara DeMaro at bduscf@aol.com. to include the Trust in your will. Thanks for your help!
Harold J. Winston, Chairman
Barbara A. DeMaro, Managing Director
P.S. If you could match your last year’s gift again (or even increase it a little), I’d be mighty grateful to you. Barbara