37th Annual Eastern Open: Kicking Off Another Chess Celebration! (Dec. 27-30, 2010)

All Photos by © Dora Leticia
If this event turns out like it did last year or better, chessplayers can count on a fantastic end of year event!
As this event kicks off as well as many others being held across our great country – we at the U.S. Chess Trust would like to wish you and yours Happy Holidays and safe New Year!
Good luck to all of the chessplayers! Stay tuned for more coverage on this event.
About the 37th Annual Eastern Open: A Heritage Event
Where? Westin Washington DC City Center Hotel, Thomas Circle, 1400 M St. NW, Washington, DC.
Organizer – Tom Beckman – Info only, tombeckman@rcn.com
Chief Tournament Director – Ernie Schlich
This is the 37th Annual Eastern Open. The event typically draws 200-250 players.
The Westin Hotel at 14th & M is a very nice site and we have an outstanding room rate of $79 + tax. This year, we have added an additional schedule. The 3 day schedule has 4 rounds @ G/45 on 12/28 starting at 5:30 PM and merges with the 4 day schedule on 12/29.
GM Alex Lenderman will give a free lecture at 10:30 am on Monday, December 27th.
- Open Section [FIDE Rated]: $2,000 $1,250 $750
- U2400 $500 U2300 $500
- Under 2200 Section: $1,000 $750 $500,
- U2100 $500 U2000 $400
- Under 1900 Section: $1,000 $750 $500
- U1800 $500 U1700 $400
- Under 1600 Section: $750 $500 $250,
- U1500 $250 U1400 $250 U1300 $250,
- U1150 $250 U1000 $250. Max. prize for Unrated $200.
Special Prizes
- Upset: Each rd in each section: 1st $50 & 2nd book prize. Max. 2 prizes per player.
- Best Played Game: In each of last 2 rds, Open $200 $100 & U2200 $50. Submitted games must be annotated by winners.
- Brilliancy: From any rd, Open $100 $75 $50 $25 & U2200 $50 $25.
- Opening Innovation: From any rd, Open $75 $50 $25 & U2200 $50 $25.
- 4 Day Schedule 40/2 SD/1 5” delay
- Reg: Monday 12/27 10 – 12
- Rounds: 12/27 1 PM &7:30 PM
- 12/28 – 12/30 10 AM & 5 PM
- 3 Day Schedule G/45 5” delay for Rounds 1-4 Merge w/4 day schedule for round 5
- Reg: Tuesday 12/28 3 – 5 PM
- Rounds: 12/28 5:30pm, 7:15, 9:00, 10:45
- Merge with main event on Wed. 12/29
Entry Fees Click here for printable entry form
- If postmarked by Dec. 17: Thereafter: $25 more for each EF!
- Open Sect. $125; U2200 Sect. $110; U1900 Sect. $100;
- U1600 Sect. $100 except rated U1300 & Unr. $75.
- Re-entries: $60 and limited to rounds 2-4.
- GMs: free entry, but $125 deducted from any prize
- IMs: $50 advance entry, but $75 deducted
- Cash, Checks, or Money Orders only at Site. No credit cards accepted.
- $10 service charge for refunds.
- Make checks or money orders payable to: Eastern Open.
- Mail entries to Tom Beckman, PO Box 42225, Washington DC 20015-2225
- Byes available any rd but rds 6-8 must commit before rd 3.
- Limit 3 byes for class prizes.